Plan a Visit
Getting to know each other
We know that getting to know new people and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve racking. Therefore, we want to make sure that your first visit to Pitt Town Church is a really enjoyable and comfortable one! Below is all the information you'll need to plan your first visit. Take a look and feel free to ask questions below!
Our Meetings
Here at Pitt Town Church we have 4 services running every Sunday at Pitt Town, and 1 service running at Wisemans Ferry. We would love for you to visit which every meeting you would like.
@ pitt town
8:00am MEeting
Our 8:00 meeting is our traditional morning service run in our historic church building.
10:00am MEeting
Our 10:00am service is a contemporary family friendly service, with kids ministry available.
Our 5pm meeting is our contemporary service, everyone is welcome!
@ wisemans ferry
10:00am MEeting
This service meets at Wiseman's Ferry to learn from God's word and grow as disciples
What can I Expect?
What is a Church Meeting like?
In total, a meeting at Pitt Town Church is about 60-75 minutes in length. Meetings generally begin with the Pitt Town music ministry team leading the church in song - song lyrics are projected onto the screens or engage with praise however you feel most comfortable. We also hear the word of God spoken through one of our Ministers, who encourages and challenges us in our walk with God. To finish, we normally sing again and pray together, before heading out and enjoying food and fellowship together.
Can I come if?
We understand that coming to church for the first time can be nerve racking, especially when you don't know what to expect. Further, sometimes church is portrayed as a place where only good 'religious' people go. We want to break this stereotype, because it is simply not true. Jesus himself said that he has come to help those who are not perfect.
At Pitt Town, we are a church of broken people gathering around and learning from our Saviour Jesus. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you have done we would love to have you in our Church Family.
What about my Children?
Here at Pitt Town we love having Children join us in all meetings. Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them" (Matthew 19:14). However, our 10:00am meeting is particularly family friendly, including kids Groups that run throughout the service. If you have Children, they are very welcome to join us!